Covid updates
As of this date things will remain they same in store, with social distancing recommended and wearing of masks being mandatory (unless you have exemption).
Our hours remain 9-5.
Cleaning procedures have increased with the addition of an air cleanser which we spray at least 3-4 daily or when we see as necessary. This spray from Dew is a Disinfectant that is 99.995% effective at killing bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores and is 30 times more effectively than bleach.
We have capped the maximum amount of people in store at 8 people and may close the doors from time to time to control numbers.
When measuring feet in close contact well use a perspex barrier and all equipment will get cleaned regularly.
All of these procedures are to help with the control of the Covid-19 virus and are designed to keep our customers and staff as safe as possible.
If you are unable to get in-store remember that we are open 24 hours a day on As always if you are house bound and new specialist fitting wider fitting shoes or bedroom slippers we can deliver these locally or nationally , please call us on 02871 382888 for more help.